PENDED - 220 S. 4th Street, Manhattan, MT
Posted by Tamara Williams on
Record Time Sale
Days On Market: 5 Days!
220 S. 4th St, Manhattan PENDED in record time with multiple offers. Tamara Williams and Company strategically positioned this charmer to have high demand.
So How Did We Do It?
- We ordered professional photography
- Marketed to other Brokers & Realtors - Did you know there is a 40% chance a Realtor will find the property for their Buyer?
- Vigorously marketed to online social media portals (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) as soon as the property was listed
- Designed and launched a single property website
- Implemented a multi-faceted marketing approacH
- Installed solar powered brochure boxes
- Installed our good old fashioned real estate signs
- Our goal was not to…
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