For the second year in a row, Bozeman has been ranked the #1 best city for economy strength in its size category according to POLICOM.
POLICOM is an independent economic analysis firm that ranks areas by their economic strength. The determining factors include many things such as the rate of growth, consistency of size, and quality of life / standard of living for residents.
This firm looks at 2 size categories; the first being a metropolitan area of 50,000 people or more and the second being a micropolitan area of at least 10,000 people but fewer than 50,000 people. Bozeman is classified as a 'Micropolitan area 'and was ranked #1 out of 551 total areas nationwide.
Bozeman's ranking encourages people to ask what we are doing differently and what are the challenges we still face even with the current strength of the economy. Our strengths are found in our development, education, and supporting of local businesses, but our challenges include lack of affordable housing and jobs with wages to support that housing cost.
Check out the video below for more information on the recent ranking:
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Posted by Tamara Williams on
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