2020 is the year of change!
While this year has definitely been a year of unknowns, one thing has been constant and that is working remotely. Most employers have figured out a way to ensure keeping their employees safe by operating exclusively from home. Whether you are guaranteed until the end of the year, or into 2021, it is no secret you have probably found the flaws in your home's floor plan, location and overall need. Keep in mind, you are not alone! A recent study from Upwork found "Anywhere from 14 to 23 million Americans are planning to move as a result of working remotely...and 20.6% are currently based in major cities." With mortgage rates as low as they are it is understandable that now it the right time to make that big move you have always dreamt of. Or, put up roots in a more rural setting where you can get more home for your money. If this is the case for you and your family, it is time to connect with a local real estate professional to help you determine the right move and next steps. Who you work with matters, and when you choose a top Broker, who has been in the industry for the last 13 years, you know you will be taken care of.
This year has been hard, but finding the perfect home shouldn't be. Call Broker, Tamara Williams, today at 406.223.6823 or fill out the form below.
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