There are a lot of changes happening this 2017 year and in current time, includes the tax reform. Who will the tax breaks mostly affect? Some homeowners in the higher bracket households have seen higher mortgage interest deductions than those in blue collar communities. While we may think, this is not exactly just .. will this upcoming tax reform make it more just or not? One proposal mentioned in this tax reform is to cap the deduction for mortgages below $500,000 which would limit the deductibility of a property taxes to $10,000. The greater debate at hand is when there are tax breaks proposed like the above, how will this action boost economic growth? Should the result not be a boost in economic growth then will home buying plummet? Our hope is that the right decision is made and that we will all be encouraged to invest in our futures. 

I'm sure you'll be reading articles about this topic from now until a decision is made. We thought we would bring up this topic and at a minimum provide awareness on the greater debate.  Posted by Tamara Williams on
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