With more buyers looking for their next home and fewer sellers putting theirs on the market, many homeowners are at a crossroads
If you're getting ready to sell your home and worry about finding your next one, here are some things to consider when debating about how to time your move
If you buy before you sell...
Purchasing a new home before you sell your current one allows you be more at ease when home searching. Since it's currently more difficult to buy a home than sell one, you get the hard part out of the way first. The benefits of this option are all about timing. You don't have to worry about being between homes and can feel more at ease in the home purchase. The downside is that you won't have the equity from your current home for your downpayment and if you do have a delay in selling, there is the risk of briefly having two mortgage payments.
If you sell before you buy...
Selling first allows you to capitalize on the equity from your current home for your next purchase. You can line up your sale so that you know all your financial numbers before getting in the car to search for your next home. The benefits of this plan are the ability to use the money from your current home toward your new one. The disadvantage is that it puts more pressure on finding a new home quickly or finding an in-between houses solution.
If you buy and sell at the same time...
This option is all about timing and having an expert agent in your corner to help line up the transactions seamlessly. This can be stressful, as two transactions means twice as much to handle. But it could potentially also give you the best of both worlds. Plus, if you're working with a great agent, then they'll take a lot of that extra stress off your plate while you have a double the closing celebrations!
We know the rapidly-changing real estate market can be confusing and frustrating. We help people have the right information and guidance, so they can make smart decisions and have peace of mind. If you're wanting to buy or sell, but are worried about the timing, let's chat.
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