Halloween may be next week, but the spooky hauntings start this weekend! 

Starting Friday, October 25th, and continuing again on Saturday, October 26th is Anderson School’s Haunted House: Forest of Terror! Friday’s hauntings start at 5:30 PM and Saturday’s hauntings start at 7:00 PM. Come, get scared, and support the 8th grade class! Located at the Little Red Schoolhouse on Cottonwood Road. For information, CLICK HERE.

Saturday, October 26th, head to MSU’s Bobcat Stadium and get chased around by some zombies while supporting a life changing cause! Run For Your Life through South Bozeman while wearing your best Halloween costume and supporting the Help Center: YOUR local 24 hour crisis and suicide hotline.  Get your exercise for the day in this 5k, and join in the costume contest and win some fun prizes! Friendly zombies and other spooky characters will be making surprise appearances, encouraging you to run a little faster. This is a dog-friendly event so be sure to embarrass your canine by dressing them up in a costume too! All jokes aside this event supports a very serious cause and we truly hope you will come out and show your support to Bozeman’s Help Center. The race starts at 10:00 AM, for pre-registration and additional information, CLICK HERE

Saturday and Sunday, October 26th and 27th, wander on down to the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse for the second ever Bozeman MADE Fair. With over 200 skilled artisans, non-profits, and artists coming together to bring you a shopping weekend you will feel proud to support. Get a jump start on your Holiday shopping, or just spoil yourself while supporting your local community. Come between 10:00 AM & 5:00 PM Saturday or 10:00 AM & 4:00 PM Sunday. This event also supports the Gallatin Valley Food Bank, so please be sure to bring non-perishable food items to donate. Part of supporting your local community is offering a helping hand to those in need! We encourage you all to show your Bozeman Pride and help strengthen and build your community. For additional information, CLICK HERE. 

Sunday, October 27th, head over to Townshend's Bozeman Teahouse and learn about ghost hunting. Test out equipment, listen to eerie ghosts stories, and learn about haunted placed in Montana. Enjoy trivia and prizes too! For more information, CLICK HERE.

Posted by Tamara Williams on


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